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Sister School Scheme

The Sister School Scheme serves as a platform to facilitate exchanges between Hong Kong and Mainland schools.  Through exchanges and collaboration, sister schools have expanded their network, enhanced understanding and communication, strengthened cultural interflow, and achieved mutual advancement in quality of education.  Since 2004, a considerable number of local schools have formed sister school pairs with schools in Beijing Municipality, Shanghai Municipality, Ningbo Municipality, Guangdong Province, Sichuan Province, Zhejiang Province and Fujian Province through the coordination of the Education Bureau (EDB).


Over the years, schools have formed sister school pairs with their counterparts across the country through the coordination of EDB or on their own initiative.  Under the Sister School Scheme, schools can arrange exchange activities with their sister schools in the Mainland at various levels in accordance with their school-based development needs.  For instance, school management and teachers can enhance their professionalism through exchanges of school management experiences, collaborative lesson planning, lesson observations, etc.  Meanwhile, students can broaden their horizons and deepen their understanding of the Mainland/Hong Kong by participating in exchange activities, thereby enhancing their sense of national identity.


The multi-faceted modes of exchanges complement Hong Kong-Mainland sister schools and enhance the quality of education in both places.  EDB will continue to provide professional support to schools through diversified approaches, so as to encourage more exchanges between local schools and their Mainland counterparts under the Sister School Scheme.


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